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Tale Of The Tape

“This is a picture of my daughter when she was 3. Her older siblings said they were performing a science experiment.”

(submitted by Michelle)

Three Wishes

“My friend’s son got three wishes at daycare for a magic genie to grant. This is what he wished for.”

(via source)

Suspicious Suggestions

“My boyfriend asked to use the Internet on my phone to look up a game hack.  He started cracking up at the Google auto-suggestions and said he hoped this wasn’t my search history!”

(submitted by Jenny)

No Horse For You

“What my daughter really wanted was a horse. She had to settle for a dog, a bird, and a saddle.”

To Tell The Truth

“This is from my grade 4 ESL class. Clearly there are two types of kids…”

(via source)

Look Who’s Talking

“Our local funeral home asked local kids to draw an ad for their company. This one got my vote.”

(via source)

Ready Player Two

“Thirty-plus years of research shows: if you give a kid a Nintendo, he will give his sister an unplugged controller.”

(via source)

Dad The Raccoon Hunter

“This is my friend Jerry, his two younger brothers, and his Dad. I think it’s pretty much self explanatory.”

(submitted by Margie)

Putting The ‘Fun’ In ‘Funeral’

“When the lawyer gives you the laptop to review your will, expect an annoyed wife if you make changes.”

(via source)

Different Times

“My mother-in-law recently passed, and we have been going through the photo albums. I ran across this gem, her birth announcement from 1919. Her father was working out of state, so her mom sent this postcard. I am both amused and chagrined.”

(submitted by Sandi)