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Turdy The Turtle

“Ironically her toy turtle was named ‘Turdy,’ a few days later her destiny was fulfilled.”

(submitted by Christine)

Windex Marks The Spot

“Me and my bottle of windex when I was two. Ahh the 80s.”

(submitted by IG @libs2330)

Spit Take

“We got more than we bargained for during our family photo shoot. If I ever wrote a book about motherhood this would definitely be the cover! Reality at its finest. At least she waited until the end of the shoot!”

(submitted by Gina) 

Wet Christmas

“My Christmas photo from when I was a kid and peed myself at my grandpa’s office Christmas party. Can you blame me with that scary smurf just standing there?”

(submitted by IG @athermosforyou

Croatian Vacation

“My parents and my little sister on a vacation in Croatia. It was a long day and she was quite tired.”

(submitted by IG @midnightpeoplemag


“Nine year old me in Arkansas. 2001. We were doing family photos and my mom thought this would be a great shot. It was distributed amongst our family and displayed in our house for years.”

(submitted by IG @beemcdaniel04)

The Delicates

“I remember very little of my childhood but here I am @ 3 yrs napping in the dryer. I am told that sneaking a nap in the dryer while the clothing was still hot was a tradition of mine…I’m just glad my foot was poking out, notifying everyone NOT to shut the door.”

(submitted by Nette)

Oma’s Underwear

“Easter in my Oma’s backyard. That’s her clothesline behind us with her granny panties out to dry.”

(submitted by Heidi) 

The Big Tipper

“I was baptised when I was about 10 and yes, those are my legs.”

(submitted by IG @stronger.amy

Bang Time

“So this was taken in 1988 for my kindergarten picture day. My mom hand picked this shirt/tie combo but I’m not sure of the story behind my hair.”

(submitted by IG @notthatmikepence