Virgin America Awkward Family Vacation Contest
Well, we asked to send in your awkward family vacation photos and you delivered a record amount of submissions. Now, Virgin America & AFP have narrowed it down to the top 20 finalists and it’s up to you to decide which awkward family gets the big prize.
Check out the top twenty photos in the Awkward Family Vacation Photo Contest and vote for your favorite by 11:59pm PST on October 13th. The one with the most votes will score a less awkward family vacation: FOUR ROUND-TRIP TICKETS TO ANYWHERE VIRGIN AMERICA FLIES. Vote for as many photos as you like and as many times as you want. Just by voting, you’ll receive 33.3% off your next family booking (parties of 3-6 people) to or from Orlando (restrictions, taxes, and fees apply).
And congratulations to the Hawaii Five-Whoah family, who won a seat on the launch of Virgin America’s new nonstop service to Orlando and 3-nights accommodations compliments of the Hilton, located in the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort!
Vote for your favorite now (the finalists are on two pages) and you can also check out all of the uncomfortable submissions here.
Click here for the Official Contest Rules.

“I insisted on having a nice ocean family photo. Our youngest, Maddie would not look at the camera. We kept urging her “Come on Maddie, look at the camera!” She was the only smart one who realized a HUGE was on it’s way! Our boy, Andrew has a very nifty green cast on his arm. Poor guy kept it out of the water all day…until the big wave.”
The Great Divide

“We had been driving by the monument all week, each time, mom tried to convince dad that there was a tree inside the monument. He refused to believe her. When we finally stopped to check it out, mom took one look at the steps and said she would wait at the bottom. The picture accurately depicts their stance on most issues.”

“This is a photo of my family on the way to Disney World during the summer of 1976. That’s Mom, Dad and me in the back and Grandma sleeping. We all traveled together (Grandma, Mom, Dad, sister, two aunts & me) in that big brown station wagon and pulled a pop up camper behind us (we were the Griswolds before the Griswolds existed). No air conditioning, high humidity and a Grandmother who snored – is it any wonder I still can’t even think of vacationing in Florida?”
Loose Change

“Like many who grew up in the 70s, my family’s annual vacation generally meant piling into the car and driving across country to somewhere cheap. My father was an incredible penny-pincher in those days, admirably captured in this photo. I believe we were on our way from Montreal to Moody Beach, Maine when we stopped off to get something to eat. My father dropped his change after the meal and he made us all scramble around the Lums Restaurant parking lot picking up the pennies.”