Pretty in Pink

“When I was 9, my teeth were so messed up that I had to wear “headgear” to create more space for my overcrowded mouth. The only say I had in the matter was choosing the color; either clear plastic or pink, which I hated. I asked them if there was any way possible that they could make it electric green, because apparently, that would make me look “cool.” The dental assistant shook her head and looked at the ground. I sighed and chose clear. Apparently, she checked the wrong box on the order form because when it was time to pick up the contraption, it came out of the box hot pink. Mortified, I begged my mom not to make me wear the pink thing to school. Fortunately for me, I had a very understanding mother. So, I only wore it at home and on car trips to see my grandparents.”
(submitted by Caitlin)