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Teen Easter

“This is a photo of my parents, my older sister and brother, and teenage me (with the curls) after Easter service.”

(submitted by Dev)

The Bunnies & The Bees

“My daughter learning all about Easter, 2009.”

(submitted by IG @mermoondesigns)

Easter Eyes

“Our sibling family photo from Easter, 1979.”

(submitted by IG @greaneyjessica) 

Mr. Beaster Bunny

“We traced our need for therapy back to this early Easter Bunny encounter.”

(submitted by IG @mizliz580 & @ekbrowne8)

Oma’s Underwear

“Easter in my Oma’s backyard. That’s her clothesline behind us with her granny panties out to dry.”

(submitted by Heidi) 

Sugar Rush

“Easter, 1997. My little brother was gorging on candy all day and we were all waiting for him to puke while also trying to get a pic.”

(submitted by IG @courtney6682

Easter Surprise

“This was taken Easter morning in 1986. That’s me and my little sister (14 years younger than me) and I had come home from college for the weekend and must have been out the night before. I obviously wasn’t too happy about having to wake up early for Easter festivities. I think when my Mom took this picture, she was just happy to have her son home from college to help celebrate the holiday.”

(submitted by John)

An Easter Possession

“This photo has baffled my family since it was taken on Easter 1984. When my mom got the photo back, she immediately had me try to pose like this and I couldn’t. We’ve never figured it out. No photoshop, and I assure you I am neither possessed by a demon nor anywhere near that flexible.”

(submitted by Sarah)

Easter Meltdown

“I just wanted a nice picture from Easter Sunday!”

(submitted by Allison)

Cracked Egg

“My aunt and mom with a very disturbing easter bunny.”

(submitted by IG @karenkingm3