The Awkward Hair Photo Contest

Congratulations to Matt and his gellet for winning the Awkward Hair Photo Contest! The winner receives signed copies of the Awkward Family Photos books and the new official AFP picture frame kit.

Thanks to all of our nominees and the whole AFP community for submitting so many amazing photos (see all the submissions here)!

Play the Bed Down With Burt game on the world’s largest bed!

And be amazed by The Incredible Burt Wonderstone in theaters today!



The Gellet

“I wondered why I was never able to get a girlfriend in high school……Hmmmmm”

(submitted by Matt)

Submitted by Matt

Reach for the Stars

Submitted by Tammy

Queen Bee

Submitted by Nell

Total Eclipse of the Head

“This is my senior picture from 1990. My kids think it is just hilarious!! At that time, it was AWESOME!”

Submitted by Danielle

The Golden Girls

Submitted by Jessica

Diamond in the Sky

Submitted by Colleen

Perm Club

Submitted by Diane


“Fourth grade. My mother decided to perm the top. And not the bottom. Like the mullet wasn’t already bad enough.”

Submitted by Ellen


Submitted by Shiseido

Braids and Confused

Submitted by Billy