Big Baby

“Between his giant, hairless head and his adorable neck wrinkles, my fiance, Andrew, still looks exactly like his baby pictures. The first time I visited his parents and saw the old photos, I knew what their Christmas present would be the next year.
I scanned in the original sepia toned baby pics, and spend a day demanding Andrew recreate them. This wasn’t as fun as we thought it would be, because it involved me directing Andrew to do impossible things like “make your chin more wrinkled, but don’t tip your head down. Look towards the sun, but don’t squint and don’t frown. Giggle like a baby! No, no, not like that. Be more cute! Eyes wider but also make your neck fatter and relax your shoulders! Stay still while a smear this donut on you.” Anyway, we learned I’m bad at art directing and he’s real bad at being a baby, but the photo collage came out amazing. He’s adorable, then and now.”
(submitted by Katie)