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Me: “Honey, I don’t think she can hold herself up on that pumpkin.”

Husband: “You just take the picture. I promise I’ll make sure she doesn’t fall.”

(submitted by Renie)

The Bird 2

Tell it like it is.

(submitted by Mike)

Ewok Boy

Meet Broderick or as he was know then, “Broadwicket.”

(submitted by Jordan)

The Hair Club For Woman

“I’ll have what they’re having” said the baby.

(submitted by Wendi)

Dump Truck

“My 10-month-old was sitting in the Tonka truck and my 2-year-old wanted sit in it with him but wouldn’t fit. So I put the 2-year-old on the back of it and both boys were so cute and smiley and happy that I ran to get the camera. As I was focusing and they were both still smiling. I clicked the shutter and then both boys went toppling backwards. My 2-year-old exclaimed, “mmmKAY!” (I’m OK!) and the baby let out a single fuss. I laughed uncontrollably when I saw the picture. My husband thought it made quite the awkward family photo.”

(submitted by Alisha)

Oh Baby

Proof that awkwardness begins at birth.

(submitted by Brad on behalf of his sister)

If you have an awkward baby photo, submit it here to join the AFP Baby’s Club. And feel free to send us a recent shot as well for the before and after.

The Smooshing 3

Love hurts.

(submitted by Jennifer)


“This was a family picture of my siblings and I taken a few years ago. I decided it would be a good idea to wear plaid and my brothers decided to follow suit. My sister however, not having plaid, raged.”

(submitted by Michael)

Baby Powder

“This is a favorite early photo of my daughters after a strange incident involving baby powder. Their future personalities shine through.”

(submitted by Justin)

Camera Ready

This, of course, was during the comb famine of 1983.

(submitted by Osian in the UK)