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Pastor Plank

“My friend’s brother’s wedding photo…with their pastor in the background.”

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How To Keep Track Of Your Baby

“My wife bought a label maker to help get organized with our new daughter. I’m already finding it helpful.”

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The Belly Cast

“My wife and I are expecting are newest child any day now. With it being our last, we decided to make a belly cast.”

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To Have Loved And Lost

“A twelve-year-old girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outside.”

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“My Uncle’s wedding with his new wife. A picture perfect moment as they ride away in their pedicab…ruined by my sister accidentally throwing a napkin instead of a rose petal.”

(submitted by Addison)

Darth Bubbles

“Today’s my 40th birthday. My wife bought a $75 bottle of champagne on our camping trip but forgot to bring glasses. I’m using this.”

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Suspicious Suggestions

“My boyfriend asked to use the Internet on my phone to look up a game hack.  He started cracking up at the Google auto-suggestions and said he hoped this wasn’t my search history!”

(submitted by Jenny)

Putting The ‘Fun’ In ‘Funeral’

“When the lawyer gives you the laptop to review your will, expect an annoyed wife if you make changes.”

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The Wedding Photobomb

“My daughter photobombing our wedding pics.”

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Crying Game

“My wife cries at absolutely anything–and I mean ANYTHING. So I started writing down the reasons.”

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