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The Roaring 20s

“My father went to a 1920’s-themed business party. Guess which one is him.”

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Regift Of The Magi

“One of the classic Christmas cards from my Dad.”

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Arcade Hero

“I just found this photo of my Dad from the 80’s. Apparently he was quite the ladies’ man.”

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Cold War Kid

“My Dad used to dress me up like this when I was little.”

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Future Architect

“My seven-year-old daughter told me she had a ‘very specific’ blueprint for a club house. This is what she gave me.”

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String Theory

“I confess I’m the father in this picture. I was understandably reluctant to have my picture taken, but I must have relented on a particularly unfortunate day. The pornstache, the pudge, the restrained toddler and squashed-face baby, and the violin that nobody played….all a perfect family tableau.  I do not miss the 90s.”

(submitted by Mark) 

Crepe Expectations

“You can tell me I’m a bad Dad, but this one is staying in the baby album.”

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The Pre-Photoshop Days

“This pic of me and my Dad was on his desk at work for over 25 years. Wasn’t until he retired that I noticed this…”
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The Circle Of Life

“Bottle feeding done right.”

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Attack Ads

“My six-year-old daughter and I are having an election for ‘President of the House.'”

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