You Go, Girl
Throw your hands in the air and wave them like you just don’t care.
(submitted by Lauren)
“My brother was trying to be nice by dressing up as the Easter Bunny. Unfortunately, the only thing that my family could think of to cover his face was a pair of tighty whiteys.”
(submitted by Jared)
“Taking this photo Easter Morning 1986 seemed like a good idea at the time. The CONGRATULATIONS sign is from our younger son’s Confirmation the week before. Apparently no time to take it down before Easter morning.”
(submitted by Janet)
The Ties That Bind
“My mom bought us new Easter outfits and, to our horror, we had to wear the dreaded… ties. Needless to say, we weren’t happy about it.”
(submitted by Christopher)
A reminder to all children that are scared of Santa… it could be worse.
(submitted by Heather)