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Sweep The Leg

“Needless to say, I always knew i was never grandpa’s favorite.”

(submitted by Joe)

Deer Grandpa

“My grandfather owned a deer as a house pet. He was an exceptional man.”

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Sleeper Agent

“Papa decided to take a nap during his 60th anniversary party, but happened to do so right when we were going to take pictures. We couldn’t wait any longer, and we couldn’t leave him out, so we included him the best we could.”

(submitted by Andrew) 

The Patriot

“My grandfather is the star of many awkward family photos. Here, he poses pantsless, with a pair of kettlebells, artistically composed at his feet to highlight his lack of pants and booty short spandex. The flag in the background pretty much says it all: this is AMERICA.”

(submitted by Hannah)

Green Day

“My grandfather sent me this photo, which he took in celebration of his eightieth birthday.”

(submitted by Allie)

The Honeymooners

“My grandparents stayed at the Virgin Island Hotel on their honeymoon. My grandma didn’t understand why my grandpa was telling her to pose her hands and legs in this specific manner.”

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The Golden Arches

“So this is what my Grandpa made in art class.”

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The Accidental Selfie

“Bought my grandad a HUGE tub of his favourite chocolates and he emailed me this photo to tell me that he had finally finished them.”

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Unsolved Mysteries

“Mom recently found this photo of my grandparents and we can’t figure out what’s going on behind my grandpa and what that hand is.”

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Grandpa Ron

“My grandfather is Ron Swanson.”

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