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Trouble With The Curve

“I wanted to look like all the other little girls with curly hair on picture day but my hair was super straight. This was the best I could do. I wouldn’t let my mother touch my ‘do.”

(submitted by Toni) 

Reindeer Games

“I had this same type of photo taken of all three of my kids but when I pulled out the reindeer antlers for my last child, the photographer that I had used for 15 years said ‘Oh please, No. I’m going to have to call Social Services.'”

(submitted by Chantal)

Darth Bubbles

“Today’s my 40th birthday. My wife bought a $75 bottle of champagne on our camping trip but forgot to bring glasses. I’m using this.”

(via source)

Grandma’s Lookalike

“Each time I go tu UK, I look closely to banknote, thinking of “mémé.” If only my Grand’Ma could have been British. But I’m sure she wasn’t, she was Spanish!”

(submitted by Annette, in France)

Done With The Wedding

“This is a photo of me at my Aunt’s wedding. I’m the one holding my face. I think I was done with the wedding at that point.”

Camp Contraband

“I work at a summer camp where parents are not allowed to send kids sweets. They are getting increasingly sneaky so now we have to inspect every care package. Here’s why.”

(via source)

Attack Of The LARPers

“My girlfriend was shooting a couple’s engagement photos. They got photobombed by a group of live-action-roleplayers.”

(via source)

Tale Of The Tape

“This is a picture of my daughter when she was 3. Her older siblings said they were performing a science experiment.”

(submitted by Michelle)

Three Wishes

“My friend’s son got three wishes at daycare for a magic genie to grant. This is what he wished for.”

(via source)

Suspicious Suggestions

“My boyfriend asked to use the Internet on my phone to look up a game hack.  He started cracking up at the Google auto-suggestions and said he hoped this wasn’t my search history!”

(submitted by Jenny)