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Jackass: The Early Years

“Check out my uncles gettin’ buck wild in the 70’s.”

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Hammer Time

“Was looking through old albums when I found this gem.”

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Red Alert

“My little sister covered herself in my mums lipstick and gave us a bit of a fright!”

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Catch ‘Em All

“My two older children were trying to lay out all of their Pokémon cards, but the youngest kept intervening, so they duct taped him to a chair.”

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Play On Words

“I was looking through old pictures of my brother’s elementary school play when I noticed something.”

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“They didn’t really think this design through on my brother’s wrestling shirt.”

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The Back Up Plan

“My brother took our cat to prom. He couldn’t find a date.”

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Express Yourself With Poetry

“My parents keep this framed on the wall. It’s a poem written and illustrated by my brother in second grade.”

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Two And A Half Men

“This is what happens when your big brother is closing in on 6 feet and the photographer was using the step stool.”

(submitted by Annette)

Go Bucks

“This is my brother Jake’s rec league basketball picture circa 1990. The actual team name as you might have deduced was the ‘Bucks.’ Lucky for us there was a fortuitous fold in the shirt that gives us our accidental master piece. On a little side note, this picture in a larger form (8×10 I think) was proudly displayed on a wall in my Grandmothers house for years. She never understood why people always laughed at this picture. Needless to say she didn’t have an eye for detail.”

(submitted by Ryan)