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Back To The Future

“This is the best picture I have of my cousins. It must be around 1982…When the spanish TVE was advertising these horrible 3D glasses.”

(submitted by Itziar)


“This is a photo of me, age 11, and my brother, David, age 15, Christmas 1970. My brother has a dislocated shoulder (wrestling), and I have a broken arm (sledriding). My mother happened to be out of town when I got hurt, and when she got home she told me to quit fooling around and “take that off,” because she thought I was faking it to get attention. Add this to my three concussions, and the 7 times my sister needed stitches in her head, and its no wonder my mom was not happy!”

Saturday Night Special: The Ring-Bearer

Jimmy assessed the situation and decided they could wait.

(submitted by Timothy)


“I’ve played the harp since I was seven. We hosted a recital at our house for all my teacher’s students, which is why there are three harps in the room. But there are so many things I can’t explain about this. Why am I wearing the shirt and hat from my Peter Pan costume from Halloween about five years earlier? Why am I only wearing the top half of this costume, paired with black jeans tucked into weird ankle boots? Why am I wearing a liter of lipstick at the age of nine? Why did I ever have that haircut? The world may never know.”

Splish Splash

Another “Calgon Moment.”

(submitted by Casey)

You Little Devil

AFP would like to dedicate this one to our friends Andrew Gurland and Huck Botko, writers of the Last Exorcism (opening today) because let’s face it, there is nothing more awkward than an exorcism.

(submitted by Negar)

Flower Girls

One followed orders while the other had bigger plans.

(submitted by Gina)

Some QT

“My dad had promised to take me to a really sweet park if I went on errands with him and last minute he thought I’d rather see the the Mississippi dam instead.”

(submitted by Olivia)

Shear Elegance

“I recently snapped a friend of mine at a shearing competition with his family, The sheep looks a bit dead but its actually got its fleece half shawn off. I think its a timeless snapshot, awkward but enchanting.”

(submitted by Tony)

Mellow Yellow

Thanks to Allie MacKay at KTLA for spreading the awkwardness this morning and for sharing the moment she decided not to become a furry.

(submitted by Allie)