The Awkward Vacation Photo Champion

Congratulations to Megan and her family for proving once and for all that, in the magic kingdom, dreams do come true.

“Epcot, 1982. Baby had explosive diarrhea all over my mom’s awesome wrap skirt. She had to wash it in the sink in the public restroom, and walk around with a soaking wet skirt the rest of the day. Then my parents got in a huge fight, then decided to have someone take our picture.”

And thanks to all of our nominees and the whole AFP community for submitting so many amazing photos (see all the submissions here!)

See We’re The Millers Today!

And check out this hilarious clip from the movie below!


The Magical Kingdom

“Epcot, 1982. Baby had explosive diarrhea all over my mom’s awesome wrap skirt. She had to wash it in the sink in the public restroom, and walk around with a soaking wet skirt the rest of the day. Then my parents got in a huge fight, then decided to have someone take our picture. Dad: totally pissed. Mom- completely unhappy but trying to appear halfway pleasant. Baby: Not feeling so great. Me: pretty concerned about the situation. Brother: couldn’t be happier!”

Submitted by Megan

The Rennies

This photo was taken in 2007 or 2008 and I am the young girl in this. My parents made me go to this renaissance fair when I was sick. This day was hot, and my parents made me wear all this old looking heavy clothing. That was not pleasant. My mom is not dressed appropriately for a family picture. My brother is staring away and my dad has a smile on his face. What kind of smile is that? And he is wearing sunglasses… I don’t think they had those prescription sunglasses back in the day, Dad.”

Submitted by Payton Marie

Beat It

“My mom had been with us 5 kids all day preparing for a trip from Ft. Worth, TX to Colorado.  We were taking a custom van across the country for vacation  When my stepdad got home from work, she began to get irritated at how long he was taking to get ready to leave.  When she went back to check on him, she found he had dressed in this outfit.  She fell over laughing and they came out to greet us.  I am the teenager with the disgusted look, horrified that he would actually travel like that!  The rest of my family felt differently about it.”

Submitted by Kristi


“This is a photo of me and my mother on a day trip to Canada’s “Wonderland.” And it is a wonder– please note the creepy man loitering in the background, the children throwing up, and the paramedics.”

Submitted by Chelsa

Hot Chocolate

“While on a family vacation to Hershey, PA in July 1979, my father wanted to stop to see the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant. In just the previous March, the plant experienced a nuclear meltdown which was the worst accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history. By the look on his face even my little brother, who is just 18 months old, knows that Hershey’s kisses and nuclear radiation don’t mix.”

Submitted by Christine

The Visitor

“This is a photo of my husband while we were on a family vacation. This was at a Drive through Safari. You are suppose to feed the animals by a cup but my husband thought he would feed the buffalo carrots out of his hand. He got a nice tongue lashing right up the nose and hence the look on my husbands face!”

Submitted by Julie

Cruise Control

“Satin? Check. Clip on tie? Check. Defeated preteen cousin who hates family photos? Check. Facial hair? Check. Captains hat? Check. Half your body cut out of the picture? Check. Random lady in a bathroom in the background? Check. Good family times on a cruise captured on film, albeit poorly, check. This captures just about all our epic family vacations.”

Submitted by Tessa


“This is a photo of my cousin, her brother and dad. She’s not sure exactly where it was taken… obviously at a lake, and somewhere in FL. Funny thing is (other than my uncle selecting this boat to pose for a picture with his kids) My aunt was the one taking the pic. My cousin sent this to me saying, “Wouldn’t this be perfect on” Why, yes. Yes it would.”

Submitted by Christy


“This is a photo of my parents vacationing in the Bahamas back in the 80s. Apparently they used to wear matching outfits all the time. I’m sure they were the hottest couple on the beach.”

Submitted by Ben


“This is my mom on her first trip to Vegas with her girlfriends. They went to Chippendales and the dancers pulled her up on the stage. She was thrilled and wanted a picture with them but felt she was too heavy to sit on the man’s lap so she hovered.”

Submitted by Bree