Animals Having Sex
Camel Toed
“My brother, sister and I at Western Plains Zoo circa 1991. This photo is awkward enough for the fashions we are sporting, but is cemented by the camels in the background. With my brother gesturing and us all smiling it looks as though we are aware of what is going on, but none of us can imagine either of our parents intentionally taking this photo.”
(submitted by Eva)
Monkey Business
“Caught a little monkey business in the background while taking a picture of my little girl at the San Diego Zoo.”
(submitted by IG @joy_botello)
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop
“Thought we’d get some nice pics in the yard for Mother’s Day. Not on Mr. Pipes’s watch.”
(submitted by Eddie)
Elephants In The Room
“Me and my brother at the National Zoo. My mom claims she and my dad never noticed the elephants banging in the water in the background but I don’t buy it.”
(submitted by Scott)
Hump Day
“Take the boys to the zoo, they will learn a lot they said. Now how should I explain this?”
(submitted by IG @shokan.mian)
Shell Game
“My first trip to the Staten Island Zoo was a very educational one.”
(submitted by IG @lena.loves.cats)
Funny Farm
“This was taken on my in-laws property. My father-in-law was a businessman but for some reason he thought he was a farmer too. Apparently he was bad at disciplining his goats.”
(submitted by Colleen)
Snow Dogs
“It is a rare occasion when we can gather all grown children, significant others, grandkids AND dogs for a family picture. We did it! Sort of.”
(submitted by Judy)