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Baby Arm

The Baby Hand

“If the fact my dad looks like a serial killer or the ET shirt I’m rocking isn’t enough awesomeness in one photo, please enjoy the awkwardness of my dad’s arm with a baby’s hand.”

(submitted by Michael) 

Barbie Arm

“We took this picture at a friend’s wedding. It wasn’t until after I posted it and people started making comments about my husband’s ‘Barbie Arm’ did we notice how his arm had ‘shrunk’…”

(submitted by Ernie)

If The Shoe Fits

“My husband was a groomsmen in his best friend’s wedding. As I was looking through my pictures, my mother noticed that my husband’s ‘goodies’ were hanging out. Well, at least that’s what it looks like. Good thing it was just the lady’s ankle and strap to her shoe that made it look that way!”

(submitted by Lindsay)

The Leg Swap

“Sometimes, matching during family photos isn’t the best idea.”

(via source

Daddy Long Legs

“Family pic day and in this one it looks like I have extremely long legs!”

(via source)

Baby Arm

“We recently found this photo of my mother, posing in the sparsely decorated living room of my childhood home. It took us a moment to notice it, but my mom seems to have an extra arm. Either it’s my goofy sister standing behind her, or my mom has a dead arm stuffed in her pocket. Either way it’s creeping me out!”

(submitted by Frida)

Mr. Clock

“At first glance it looks like I have an extra arm.”

(via source)

The Floater

“This kid was sitting on a fence with her jacket dangling down behind her. Because of this, and compared to everyone else standing, it looks like she’s floating in midair, missing the lower half of her body.”

(via source)

Shoulder Tap

“The man in the background looks like he has a giant hand and it’s on the girl’s shoulder.”

(via source)

The Meat Hook

“Olivia Wilde’s baby looks like he has a giant hand.”

(via source)