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Sure, okay, why not.

(submitted by Carly)

The Bucket Lists

Jigsaw and Venice could now check off Mt. Rushmore.

(submitted by Myma)


Nothing comes between a man and his cat.

(submitted by Rhonda)

Step Off

“This is a photo of myself posing for a friend for his college photography class. He wanted someone with street cred, and obviously, I immediately came to mind. Yes that is a Malcolm X hat. I didn’t have a pitbull, so he had me pose with his dog to add that other layer of b-boy toughness. I would best describe this time in my life as Public Enemy meets 90210. I was a real David Silver hot shot!

(submitted by Donald)

Weiner Dog

We’re not saying, but just saying.

(submitted by Andrew)

Neck Candy

The snake rides up front.

(submitted by Jessica)

Snakes On A Photoshoot

“My husband and I a couple years ago while we were dating. I set up my ‘studio’. Looking back, I see it for what it truly is-awful and AWKWARD! LOL!

(submitted by B)

Cat Fancy

“This is my Mom and Dad before they were married and had kids, the bank my dad was a customer at was having some kind of promotion where you could get a family portrait taken.  He had no family so he asked if he could bring his girlfriend and his cats.  I was told the cats got loose in the bank after they took the picture.”

(submitted by Allyson)

Cold-Blooded Revisited

Just a few reasons why we love a recent pic sent to us by the legend himself, Mike, from Cold-Blooded:

1) He’ still wearing the same dog chain bracelet.

2) There is a snakeskin shower curtain behind him.

3) There is a snakeskin shower curtain behind him.

(submitted by Mike)

The Big D

“My mom and I were taking pictures after running Atlanta’s annual Peachtree 10k. We didn’t realize the dog had decided to insert herself into the picture in her own special way until after publishing the photo on Facebook. Our friends and family were kind of enough to rapidly point this out to us but it remains on the site to this day.”

(submitted by Lauren)