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Carved Up

“My mother-in-law forced my wife and her two sisters to get into holiday spirit and carve pumpkins. Their expressions range from ‘angry’ to ‘I will kill you in your sleep.’ My wife is on the right and she clearly wasn’t having it.”

(submitted by Lloyd)

The Unflattering

“This picture is of me and my little sister on Easter in 2004. Evidently, my mother found it cute to dress me as if I were still 4-years-old. When a girl like me has hair like that, plus huge glasses, braces, a tiny headband and a frilly dress, it doesn’t work. My dad then honed in on his photo editing skills and gave us a very appropriate backdrop. All I can say is, ‘WTF?!'”

(submitted by Lindsi)

The Crying Game

“I think this was for a passport photo about 1964. I’m the one crying. My dad had just fussed at us for something, which made me cry. He wanted to get the picture over with, and threatened to take it with me crying. Which he did, and which made me cry even more. My brother and sister were struggling not to cry as well.”

(submitted by Susan)

Cake Stand

Mom left her in charge of making her graduation cake.

Mom wasn’t thrilled with the result:

But she definitely was:

(via source)

Twin Trouble

“Our family was at Arctic Roadrunner (a burger place in Anchorage, Alaska) when I captured this shot of my husband Jim and our 2-year-old twins, Hank and Annie. Daddy and Annie are having a blast while Hank stands in the foreground clearly not a part of the inner circle. Also his Daddy cut his bangs way too short a week ago so things just aren’t going his way lately.”

(submitted by Sarah)

Death Stare

“Alright. I’m the one on the left with the sweet bangs, and probable curling iron burns on my forehead. Let’s analyze this:

1. The denim. Why, Mom, why?
2. Stain on my stepdad’s knee.
3. Several excellent examples of leaning, particularly my casual elbow on my stepdad’s knee.
4. And the absolute best, my sister’s face. We are all happy to announce she isn’t a sociopath.”

(submitted by Eliza)

Rubbing It In

“My wife is spending a week back home with her family. She sent me a picture of herself and her two sisters and mom having lunch. I responded accordingly.”

(via source)

Brother Photobomb

“My daughter wanted a ‘serious’ picture with her friends, but her brother photobombed it. I can’t stop laughing.”

(via source)

Gift Discrepancy

“Sometimes life gives you a puppy and sometimes it gives you socks. Christmas 2016.”

(submitted by Suzy) 


“This is a photo of me and my family over ten years ago. We were celebrating my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary and even though I was fresh out of the shower and wrapped in a towel, they wanted a picture. Nothing says ‘Congratulations, Mom & Dad’ quite like appearing naked behind their anniversary cake.”

(submitted by Stephanie)