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Graduation Recreation

“My sister and I graduated from the same college 17 years apart. My family’s stayed the same.”

(via source)

The Facial Expression Of Christmas

My sister’s moment of euphoria, getting exactly what she had hoped for for Christmas.”

(submitted by Jason)

Dog Days of Christmas

“Nothing says Christmas like four kids wearing red, white and blue matching outfits, complete with berets, gathered around the family dog!”

(submitted by PJ)

Christmas Recreation

“The original photo has been a favorite of family and friends since it was our family Christmas card 1999. Different city, different home, but we think we got pretty close.”

(submitted by Linda)


“My sister sent me this. She’s weird.”

(via source)

Sister Sister

“Our semi-annual attempt to be normal, as well as best-dressed!”

(submitted by Jenny)


“My sister’s orphanage gave us her baby pictures. This one reigns supreme.”

(via source)

Kindergarten Flip

“My kindergarten graduation from a Christian school. I was upset that my sister was in the picture because it was my day. My brother is behind the camera and I’m flipping him while holding a children’s Bible. Good times.”

(submitted by Jennifer)

The Princess And The Castle

“My sister and I always collaborated on costumes. She wanted to be a princess this particular year, but I REFUSED to be her prince.”

(submitted by Caroline)

Beefcake Recreation

“For my dad’s birthday this year we decided to recreate his 80’s calendar picture.”

(submitted by Madison)