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Love Is A Cage

“The love between two sisters can be touching. (I turn around for two seconds…)”

(via source)

Itchy Smurf

“My brother, sister, and I dressed as Smurfs. Guess which one is me?”

(submitted by Kyle)

Flower Girl False Start

“Fifteen minutes before the wedding everyone was rushing around getting ready. My sister had just pulled the petals off the roses and placed them into the flower girl bucket for my niece. Not thinking, my sister then hands the bucket over to my 3 year old niece. My niece promptly dumps the bucket over almost as soon as she gets a good grip on it, while my sister looks on in horror, and my Dad (being the father of five spirited daughters) looks on knowing this was the only possible outcome! (My niece dumped it again halfway down the aisle.”

(submitted by Asia)

Nose For Trouble

“My son had to write an apology letter to his sister this morning.”

(via source)

Picking A Winner

“My family, the Dalys. Taken in the early 1970s. I’m the big brother. We were getting family photo at FOX studios and this was the first photo they took. My sister obviously was still getting ready. The photographer thought it was funny and my folks did too, so they had it printed. We had another taken but this one is the winner. We still talk about to this day. Here’s a photo from dad’s 73rd birthday two days ago.”

(submitted by Kevin)



Graduation Casual

“I am the lucky one in the middle on my high school graduation day in June 1979. The two bathing beauties next to me are my sisters. Guess it was hot that day and they obviously decided not to go to the ceremony.”

(submitted by Patricia)

The Chocolate Mystery

“Discovered this one while digitizing my grandparents slides. Must have been around the late 1960s. We are not certain about what happened prior to this photo being taken. Our hypothesis: I (the girl) stole and ate the boy’s (my brother’s) chocolate and got into trouble for doing so. Result: Girl sad, boy sad. We’ll never find out but this is just epic. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.”

(submitted by Judith, from Münster, Germany) 

Struggle For A Smile

“My little sister was not happy about her outfit because it was “itchy.” My mom was so upset that she wouldn’t smile. She said, ‘Get over there and smile,’ and this was the result. We laugh about it all the time now. Mom even blew up the picture for my sisters high school graduation. We remade this picture for my mom for Christmas this year (2013).”

(submitted by Tiffany)

Wedding: The Gathering

“My sister is getting married. This is her save-the-date.”

(via source)

The Accidental Yin-Yang

“My identical twin and I. Honestly these outfits weren’t planned. It was just a weird twin moment. It happens a lot.”

(via source)