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The Gun Show

This family also believes strongly in the right to bear farmers’ tans.

(submitted by Sierra)


These co-workers prove that awkwardness also extends to your office family. Happy Labor Day from AFP!

(submitted by Abby & Vanessa)


Who needs toys?

(submitted by Megan)

The Baster

Don’t hate him because he’s a beautiful baster.

(submitted by Eric)

The Space Between

“My brother was fussing the whole portrait session, and my parents were getting frustrated as they were just trying to get one decent photo of the family. Finally, they threw their arms in the air and told him to sit where he pleased. It was my brother’s decision to sit off to the side. As you can see from my smirk, I wasn’t upset about it. Considering how odd the picture turned out, I’m surprised my family selected to hang it in our home for all these years.”

(submitted by Yuri)

Pin the Tail

“I took this photo of my mom and dad this past year. We didn’t notice the donkey’s doing the dirty in the background until it was already printed out.”

(submitted by Julie and originally posted at

Awkward Class Photo: Teacher’s Pets

One way to get closer with your students.

(submitted by Anony)

Elephant in the Room

Check out their new show this fall on the WB.

(submitted by Mary)

The Birdcage

A curious metaphor for marriage.

(submitted by Keyaanta)

Supersized 2

See if you can find the twenty-three families in this photo.

(submitted by Vik)