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The Aftermath

“My aunt, laughing maniacally, with my dad and other aunt after a snowball fight. 1958.”

(via source)

The Name Game

Love conquers all, right? These couples prove that fate has a really good sense of humor.

1. Mr. & Mrs. Golden-Showers

2. Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald- Burger

3. Mr. & Mrs. Looney-Warde

4. Mr. & Mrs. Drinkwine-Layer

5. Mr. & Mrs. Long-Wiwi

6. Mr. & Mrs. Traylor-Hooker

7. Mr. & Mrs. Butts-McCracken

8. Mr. & Mrs. Gross Pantti

9. Mr. & Mrs. Hardy Harr

10. Mr. & Mrs. Kuntz-Dick

11. Mr. & Mrs. Best-Lay

12. Mr. & Mrs. Filler-Quick

13. Mr. & Mrs. Wang-Holder

14. Mr. & Mrs. Busch-Rash

15. Mr. & Mrs. Gowen-Geter


Catch You On The Back Side

“This is a picture of my sister and I in our very first dance costumes. The photographer posed us this way. I was five (I’m the one bending over), and my sister was seven. We’ve been teased all our lives about this ‘pose’–for years our older brother would run around the house signing ‘Doing The Butt!’ But today we’re both we are both very proud of this picture and even share it with our clients! She is a paralegal and I am an insurance professional. We love it and hope you do as well. Enjoy!”

(submitted by Melissa) 

Bowled Over

“The face of regret.”

(via source)

Photobomb Anytime

“I explained photobombing to my mom. She doesn’t understand the boundaries yet.”

(via source)

Brace Face

“Let’s just say everyone knew me.”

(via source)

A Nutty Aroma

“My dad bought a new candle. He’s amused.”

(via source)

Flabs And Abs

“My kid brother is a physique competitor and just got new photos done. I’m a stay-at-home-Dad and couldn’t help myself.”

(via source)

Dad Spotting

“My daughter’s first formal school dance. Can you spot the spying Dad?”

(via source)

Holiday Bird

“At my 4-year-old son’s school, the kids had all taken holiday photos. I went to pick up my son’s picture packet, but it was missing except for a small proof. I asked why did they not have his packet, and the guy handed me the proof and said, ‘You should look at his fingers.’ I did. He let me keep the proof as a souvenir.”

(submitted by Chet)