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Mood Killer

“Twenty years later, I still have this effect on women.”

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The Big One

“She said she wanted the biggest cinnamon roll they had.”

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The Power Of Love

“My niece is a 5th grader and got her first love note. This boy has more game than I ever will.”

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A Frown For The Yearbook

“So my son hasn’t ever really been a fan of photos, but when it comes to school pictures in particular, he hates them. In all honesty, this an improvement from last year. By grade 8 maybe we’ll manage a smile.”

(submitted by Naomi)

Free Birds

“My father (the blonde) in 9th grade for his class photo. As soon as the yearbook was released, he and his best friend were suspended.”

(submitted by Cori)

Where Babies Come From

“When my Mom went into labor she didn’t make it in time to the hospital and she gave birth in the parking lot of the emergency room. Dad had to leave my mom and run inside to notify the staff. After everything happened the hospital gave my Dad a shirt. Well fast forward a couple months later he thought it would be a good idea to wear the shirt to church on the day I was baptized. My Mom (standing next to him) was trying to not look disappointed. The shirt reads, ‘I know where babies come from.’ Even my Godmother and Godfather look disappointed. My Dad is the only one smiling.”

(submitted by Claudia)

Let It Go

“My uncle’s 4-year-old daughter was not happy to discover her Dad’s Halloween costume.”

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The Invisible Dad

“My father-in-law’s Halloween tradition. Can you spot him?”

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Taking The Lunge

“The photographer taking our family pictures asked my four year old son to give her some cool poses. I believe he was going for cool but casual and obviously he nailed it.”

(submitted by Stephanie)

The ‘Stache Stash

“Cleaning out my father’s phone when I see a variety of selfies he took while shaving his beard off. He showed these to no one and Hitler is one of them.”

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