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Our Love Will Never Go Exctinct

“My fiance wants to make bride and groom shirts for the wedding. She didn’t care for my idea.”

(via source)

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

“My brother threw a ball at my eye when I was 10 years old and it was picture day two weeks later. My eye stayed like this for 4 years. I was also in Special Ed at the time. I think this is why I became a stand-up comic.”

(submitted by Manolis)

I’m Just Not Seeing It

“A lot of people say my son looks just like me, many people call him my “Mini Me”. I decided to take our pictures and put them together…..I don’t know, I’m just not seeing it.”

(submitted by Jason)

Bottomless Christmas

“This is my family’s Christmas photo in 2005. I’m not sure why my dad and brother would not put on pants.”

(submitted by Molly)

Grabbing My Attention

“I’m a photographer at a Sears Portrait Studio and I conned my mother and her new husband to come get some photos  made with me. I was having difficulty smiling without making the squinty-eye face.  I guess my mom was getting tired of waiting on me to finally get my act together, so she reached up and grabbed my boob to make me laugh.  This was the result. I couldn’t make that face again if I tried. Not surprisingly, this is my mother’s biggest and most natural smile in the whole 2 hour session! Mom’s poor new husband doesn’t even know what he got himself into…”

Love At First Hate

“My girlfriend made me a jar of ‘101 things she loves about me.’ As terrible as it may seem, I think this one is vital to a healthy relationship.”

(via source)

Big Baby

“Between his giant, hairless head and his adorable neck wrinkles, my fiance, Andrew, still looks exactly like his baby pictures. The first time I visited his parents and saw the old photos, I knew what their Christmas present would be the next year.

I scanned in the original sepia toned baby pics, and spend a day demanding Andrew recreate them. This wasn’t as fun as we thought it would be, because it involved me directing Andrew to do impossible things like “make your chin more wrinkled, but don’t tip your head down. Look towards the sun, but don’t squint and don’t frown. Giggle like a baby! No, no, not like that. Be more cute! Eyes wider but also make your neck fatter and relax your shoulders! Stay still while a smear this donut on you.”  Anyway, we learned I’m bad at art directing and he’s real bad at being a baby, but the photo collage came out amazing. He’s adorable, then and now.”

(submitted by Katie)

Custody Battle

“From 1999: a divorcing couple divides their Beanie Baby investment under the supervision of a judge.”

(via source)

Earning Her Merit Badge

“My daughter had some fun with her girl scout troop this weekend.”

(via source)

Going Rogue

“We tried taking a nice family picture now that my daughter is one. She looks like she’s going to slit someone’s throat.”

(via source)