Christmas Anguish
“I don’t remember what was in that box. But I hope it was pants.”
(submitted by Megan)
Christmas Recreation
“The original photo has been a favorite of family and friends since it was our family Christmas card 1999. Different city, different home, but we think we got pretty close.”
(submitted by Linda)
Santa’s Package
“My Aunt couldn’t understand why everyone was laughing at her ceramic Santa.”
(via source)
Family Event
“After last year’s ‘Happy Birthday, Jesus!’ cake, Grandma decided to take religion out of the Christmas party entirely.”
(via source)
Turtle Power
“It was the season of family greeting cards, and of course my family participated. We took this photo in my own backyard and naturally we are wore matching outfits including white turtle necks tucked in to blue jeans with a belt to pull it all together. That’s not the best thing I find about the picture; the fact that my parents are in the position of ‘going to the bathroom,’ is just great and the fact that my hair is of a Shih-Tzu. We sent this picture out to family and friends not thinking twice.”
(submitted by Brooke)
Saint Nope
“My memories of meeting Santa are fond ones. I came across this pic, however, and was startled by the look on this particular Santa’s face. He looks a little less interested in what I want for Christmas, and a little more interested in how I’d taste in a stew.”
(submitted by Alan)
Christmas Head Butt
“This is my sister’s attempt at Christmas Card perfection. However, this time she failed. It almost looks as though she told them Santa actually isn’t real. My nieces were extremely uncooperative for my sister and to make matters worse, my niece on the right head-butted my baby niece (on the floor obviously).”
(submitted by Kellie)