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Protecting My Junk from Santa

“This is me as a child, visiting Santa.  Out of instinct, I had my left hand on my junk, protecting it from a mall Santa.”

(submitted by Dan)

Chernobyl Claus

“This is a photo taken in 1976 in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. It looks like Santa’s face is a melting pile of vomit.”

(submitted by Rachel)

A Holiday Letter From Debbie, Gary, & Lance

You’ve been pranked. That’s right– introducing the Awkward Family Photos Prank Holiday Card Set.

Each Prank Holiday Card set includes three tear-off cards featuring an Awkward Family Photos brood with their fake yearly summary on the back.

• SEND one in the mail anonymously
• SNEAK one onto wall at a friend’s holiday party
• DISPLAY on your fridge amongst all your real friends.

Whichever you choose, bewilderment will follow – which is what the holidays are all about, right?

Going The Extra Mile

“My parents like to make their own holiday cards and think it’s more personal to include photos of themselves or other family. Last year they were inspired by The Elf on the Shelf and took this little gem. It was sent out to the entire family, their friends and even my boss.” 

(submitted by Catherine)

Benjamin Button

“I don’t know what is worse… the bowl cut, the glasses, the ultra tight pants, the giant belt or the fact that I was off by at least 2 buttons.”

(submitted by Wayne)

Nevada Assemblywoman’s Christmas Card

Nothing says Merry Christmas like a cache of weapons.

(via source)

Santa Flips Out

“This is a bought picture of my husband and his younger brother’s annual trip to visit Santa. Apparently, Santa was having a bad day and was a making it known in his pics! Funny thing is they didn’t notice Santa’s sign language until they were looking through old pics and came across it a few years ago!”

(submitted by Amy)

The Santa Standoff

“My son had a complete change of heart when it was his turn. No amount of pleading or bribing worked. I was pretty horrified at his behavior, but something told me to order the print and I’m so glad I did. P.S. The teacher/mom in me came made an appearance. After a serious conversation in the mall chairs, we got in line to do it again and he was a happy and willing participant!”

(submitted by Nicole) 

Most Wonderful Time

“This was our family’s Christmas card in 1991. The caption, so lovingly coined by my mother, was “From our happy home to yours!”

(submitted by Alexnadria)

Naughty By Nature

“We were trying to take happy Christmas pictures for our Christmas cards this year.  This is all we got.  Priceless.”

(submitted by Kelly)