Freeing Up Some Funds
“A friend of mine dropped out of high school and this is what his dad did.”
(via source)
Dude, Where’s My Car?
“A picture of my dad after his car was stolen on my parents’ honeymoon.”
(via source)
Baby In One Hand, Root Beer In The Other
“This is how my Dad used to hold me as a baby.”
(via source)
Excitable Dad
“This is from my sister’s sweetheart ball. When Mom got the photo back she realized there was something wrong with Dad’s face.”
(submitted by Stephanie)
Story Time
“While on vacation and staying in a hotel, my father decided to pick up a little light reading. Clearly I was interested in the articles.”
(submitted by Judy)
Dad’s “Gift”
“This is my beloved father-in-law, George, who passed away in 2015. When searching for pictures to post at his funeral, we stumbled upon this one. It didn’t make the cut, and you can see why from looking at it. George had a great sense of humor and 7 kids to boot, so the picture fits him perfectly!”
(submitted by Celeste)