Easter Blues
“My friend’s kid got her picture taken with the most depressed-looking Easter bunny ever.”
(via source)
Growing Out Of It
“My children have a photo with Santa and the Easter Bunny for every year of their life. Clearly, they no longer participate with the same enthusiasm they once did. Now, they only go for the free meal at the mall.”
(submitted by Heidi)
Their Lucky Day
“My five sisters, our mom, and I at an Easter family gathering. Gigi and Sassy were feeling the Spring fever!”
(submitted by Victoria)
Dad’s Bunny
“My in-laws are moving. So we are helping them clean out the garage and I came across this little gem. My question is “Why is the Easter bunny sitting on my father-in-law’s lap?” (And no it’s not my mother-in-law.)”
(submitted by Ron)
The Grass Is Greener, Until It Isn’t
“We had artificial turf installed the day before Easter. We thought it would be good for egg hunting and taking an Easter picture but one child was not happy about being unable to feel the dirt. She hadn’t yet forgiven us when we asked them to take this picture.”
(submitted by Katharine)
A Phobia Is Born
“Got my daughter’s Easter photo yesterday. She didn’t know the rabbit was going to be real. Priceless.”
(via source)