“My older sister really loved horses, and being the little sister and a copy-cat, I had to love them, too. We were probably 7 and 11 in this photo that I wish I could unseen every time I see it. This is truly a Halloween costume posing disaster.”
(submitted by Brooke)
Saved By The Bell
“For Halloween, I’m going as my Dad when he was my age. (High school senior.)”
(via source)
Grandpa Leia
“For Halloween, my grandpa went as Princess Leia and R2D2. No expense was spared.”
(via source)
Carved Up
“The more I cut, the more it fell apart. I was on the verge of tears but always had my big brother there for encouragement. He says he can still recall my pumpkin seed sized tears.”
(submitted by Traci)
“I can’t quite remember, but I think my parents were supposed to be some sort of ‘Cat People’ characters a la Peter Criss from Kiss. I just wanted to be a werewolf.”
(submitted by Robbie)