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Somebody’s Watching You

“I asked my mom for a cool bookmark and this is what she gave me. (Yes, that is my mother.)”

(via source)

Unsatanic Pig

“My older brother and I had gotten into a fight and I tried to reconcile with him by getting him to draw a set of hind legs on my drawing of a pig. I also attempted to explain that the drawing was indeed of a pig, not Satan.”

(submitted by Barrett)

Special Occasion

“My 16 yr old son had to get the ‘exam nobody likes’.  I thought it best to twist the (cake) knife since I’m definitely Dad of the year.”

(submitted by Joel)

Writing On The Wall

“I was going through a family photo album the other day and until now. No one has ever noticed the huge “cow dick” painted above my head.  (Thanks Dad).”

(submitted by Kelli)

Lost & Found

Everyone has their own system.

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Get In Line

“During the toasts at our wedding reception, my husband and I turned to one another for a quick kiss as the guests were clinking their glasses. Somehow, my sister/maid of honor ended up looking like she was trying to go in for a kiss too! I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw the photo.”

(submitted by Shelby)

The Staredown

“I may be bigger, wiser, and much sneakier now than I was then, but that evil glare on my younger self’s face has me convinced that you do not want to cross her. Not ever.”

(submitted by Andrea)

Big Mama

“80’s big hair had nothing on my Mom’s hair from 1970!”

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“This? Oh, just a picture of my aunt riding a lion on water skis.”

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“My husband found this on our door this morning (after a very sexy night). He was pretty proud of himself.”

(via source)