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Kids Who Look Exactly Like Parents

“I’ve seen a lot of these floating around so I decided to see just how much my son looks like I did. As if the chubby cheeks weren’t enough, the helmet-esque haircut courtesy of my grandmother sends it over the top.”

(submitted by Karen)

Kids Who Look Exactly Like Parents

“I was looking through old photos of myself when I came across the photo on the left. It was like you threw a wig on my 3 year old son and took a picture.”

(submitted by Catherine)

He’s Bringing Belly Back

“Got grandpa a belly dancer for 60th birthday. Brought the same girl back for his 90th and she brought her daughter.”

(via source)

Brokeback Mountain

She would bend over backwards for him.

(via source)

Without A Paddle

“This is my aunt and her family on vacation. She fell out of the raft and the raft guide grabbed her foot as she went under. This is the most intense part of the river trip so they have someone stand on shore and take your photo. Luckily they captured this.”

(submitted by Matt)

Three Generations

“Me (middle), mom (left), daughter (right) all age 7 and toothless!

(submitted by Krisie)

50 Shades of Giraffe

“A politician gave a speech in the zoo today… nobody was paying attention to him.”

(via best)

Haunted Sword

But there’s a 10% chance that it’s not.

United We Segway

“About a decade ago, my dad had a phase of hyper-intense community involvement. He somehow came up with with the idea of putting a piano on a rented Segway and having me play patriotic tunes while riding in the local 4th of July parade to promote a local politicians election campaign. Predictably, the keyboard idea didn’t pan out, so he just had us bedazzle it in America and call it a day. This was that day.”

(submitted by Alex)

Kids Who Look Exactly Like Parents

“My little clone-y. First grade pics of my son (2002) and me (1971).”

(submitted by Amy)