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Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Jeff)

Sleep Mask

(submitted by Maria in Spain)

Recreating The Awkwardness

“The original was taken back in 1990 in USSR. I’m the older girl in my school uniform. Not sure why the studio decided to position us as if we’re waiting for a very important phone call. Twenty-three years later and my dad is wearing the same exact sweater, my mom the same exact blouse and jewelry, and she tells me that the collar used on my shirt is the same one off my uniform. I’m not sure what caused her to save that and bring it to America with us when we moved, and then to save it for 20 more years afterwards. I apparently went from school girl to a maid in the past 23 years.”

(submitted by Masha)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(via The Luxton Brothers)

Recreating The Awkwardness

“As a Christmas gift for the in-laws my husband and I decided to re create his 1976 former communist Poland baptism photo.  My husbands grandmother was a seamstress and sewed the polyester suit that little B is wearing and of course adorned it for his special day.  Unfortunately he was still not happy- after many tries this was the happiest shot they could get out of him!”

(submitted by Sherri)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Tunde in Nigeria)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Rick)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Sara)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by TIffany)

Recreating The Awkwardness

“Olan Mills Portraits – then and now. Doesn’t everyone get their pictures taken at Olan Mills? My daughters surprised me with an amazing reenactment!  The detail is incredible!”

(submitted by Ruth)