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Fairy Metal

“When your parents want you to be a cute little fairy but you prefer heavy metal.”

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What’s In A Middle Name?

“My neighbor’s daughter has the craziest middle name. After years of taking his word for it, I asked her father for proof.”

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Golden Ticket

“My girlfriend’s six-year-old son screamed ‘I found the golden ticket!’ repeatedly as he ran up to her holding this.”

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Team Swirlie

“So this happened in the morning.”

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Toys R Gone

“Wife took the boys to Toys R Us for my oldest’s birthday.”

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Nature Lover

“My son was in second grade and they were learning about words with the double ‘E’ in them. Here is the sentence he chose to write to show that he understood the concept.”

(submitted by Alisa) 

The Great Divider

“I have triplets, and they have backseat battles. This was my solution. Driving is peaceful now.”

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You’ll Grow Into It

“My grandmother used to love buying my sister and me clothes. Too bad they were always XXL.”

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Sweat Shirt

“My sister found this photo hanging up at a friend’s house. No one noticed his shirt until today.”

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Grow A Pair

“My son and his little girlfriend wanted a picture with two pumpkins that had grown together. At first he held them in front of his face, so I told him to drop them down a bit. Totally unintentional. He has no idea why we think it’s so funny.”

(submitted by Tara)