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“Last year, my spirited son, Henry, came home from school with this note in his folder. I had a really hard time keeping a straight face!”

(submitted by Katie)

One Reason To Be Sent Home From School

“My little brother got sent home today. I couldn’t stop laughing.”

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A Message For The Tooth Fairy

“So, that’s supposed to be my daughter holding her tooth she lost at lunchtime. To the untrained eye, I know it looks like she’s giving the Tooth Fairy the finger as if to say, ‘Sorry I’m flipping you off. Now, go find my tooth in the cafeteria trash and bring me my money.'”

(submitted by Stephanie)

Kids For Sale

“That time our parents tried to sell me and my sister with the house.”

(submitted by Kristen)


“My parents found this note I wrote them when I was nine years old.”

(via source)

The Dark Side

“How the parents of the kids I babysit get their boys to aim.”

(via source)

Magic Mike

“The things your parents get you to do as a kid…”

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And They Never Fought Again

“When I become a parent, I’m stealing this idea.”

(via source)

Westward Ho

“Looking at this picture taken by my dad you’d probably guess that the “HO” sign was an unfortunate oversight… you would be wrong! My Dad thinks he’s really funny!”

(submitted by Katie)

There’s Always A Loophole

“I told my daughter she couldn’t take clothes off the hangars and try them on, so I got this.”

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