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Snow Angels

His parents must be proud.

(via dilljone)


“This is what happens when your baby loves buttons and knows how to open the sun roof.”

(via source)

Cowboy, Baby

Hey, it was the seventies.

(submitted by Diane)

Do The Conga

“Seven year-old me knew what was up.”

(via Mentalmuse)

Guess Who Came To Dinner

“This photo was from a period in my life my family inappropriately calls “The Chernobyl Years” (to describe the awkward phase of re-growth after all my hair fell out when I was about three.)  It was taken at home, but I have absolutely no idea who the guy is. I asked my parents and other members of my family and no one can identify him. Clearly, he whispered something terrifying into my ear and it made my eyebrows fall off and turned my hand into a dead house spider.”

(submitted by Lindsay)

Burn It Like Beckham

“It was travel soccer that year and a family photographer thought the flame was a good idea.”

(submitted by Elliot)

Hungry Hippo

I mean, we know birds and bees do it, but…

(via BlazingPhoenix)


“My 5th grade school picture. No one realized until today that I had one eyebrow shaved off. I think it was my sister who shaved it off.”

(submitted by tehanthomas)

Yellow Balloon

Just another glamour shot for the shelf.

(via ncpsringer)

Freaky The Snowman

Only the sun can save us now.

(via girlfriend)