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Superstar 3

She let her arms do all the work.

(submitted by Kelly)


A great place to stop and enjoy the scenery.

(submitted by Fred)

The Cousins

They were lucky to get them all sitting down.

(submitted by Liz)

Fifty Shades

She was expecting more illustrations.

(submitted by Wendy)

Carousel 3

They tried their best to keep him off the pole.

(submitted by Edwardo)

The Champ 2

Losing is not an option.

(submitted by Lance)

Little Miss Sunshine

Just darling.

(submitted by Meg)

A Rat’s Tail

Just one of the many attractions at Chuck E. Cheese.

(submitted by Sarah)

The Scream 2


(submitted by Kristen)


Go big or go home.

(submitted by Ellen)