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Beware of the dragon.

(submitted by Brian)

The Big Dig

“When I pick my nose, I choose to have it professionally documented.”

(submitted by Jami)

Objects Of Affection

These are a few of my favorite things.

(submitted by Amanda)

Culture Shock

“My first birthday- I am the one in the center, screaming my lung out, surrounded by family, friends, and one very very confused exchange student who was staying with my aunt.”

(submitted by Lauren)


Don’t Blink

“When my son had his school photo taken, he was terrified of blinking and having his eyes closed. He was also wearing his favorite Roadkill shirt because he felt that he looked especially handsome in it.”

(submitted by Sharon)

Burning Down The House

“Photo of me and my two other siblings when we donated a house on some property my parents bought to the fire department. My parents thought it would be a good memory to have and had us pose smiling in front of a burning house, little did they know the picture was extremely ironic.”

(submitted by Brennah)

Happy Father’s Day From AFP!

To the man who taught us so much.

(submitted by Aleishia)


You may rest now.

Saturday Night Special: The Bowlett

In some countries, this haircut is used as an interrogation technique.

(submitted by Kyle)

Playing Doctor

Julian had seen one too many episodes of Doogie Howser.

(submitted by Julian)