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“Going, going, gone. Me and my daughter at the beach.”

(via source)

Sugar and Spice

“Some little girls don’t like family photos.”

(via source)


“So, I’m not very good at taking Panoramas.”

(via source)

Bear Hug

“My father took this of me in 1968 in the parking lot of Lollipop Farm, a petting zoo in Henrietta, NY.  Apparently, they just had a grizzly bear head lying around for kids to play with.  I probably had bear brains in my hair when I too, that thing off.”

(submitted by Dorothy)


“A friend of mine posted a baby pic of her at Disney… everyone was wayyy more intrigued by what was happening in the background with Mickey.”

(via source)

Awkward With A Horse

“Mom says, ‘honey stand with the horse and pose’ on a winter beach trip.”

(submitted by Krista)


“So me and my brother decided to try tubing behind a “fastboat.” We underestimated it.”

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Somebody’s sniffing up the wrong tree.

(via source)

Dismount Vernon

“In the 1970s, my family took a trip to Mount Vernon, Virginia, home to George Washington. The whole family was there: my grandparents and aunt, my mother and father, and my sister and me. We decided to pose for photos atop one of the fences in the garden. I remember my father set up the tripod and watched as the family disappeared from view while the fence came crashing down. The only family picture he has from that day is us scrambling to get up, but unharmed. My sister and I were hysterical with laughter, but the rest of the family was humiliated.”

(submitted by Anna)

This Bud’s For You

“I was swimming in the creek with my dad relaxing and keeping an eye out for snakes. Not one to litter, he was trying to throw the can up to the bank when this legendary pic was snapped.”

(submitted by Jessica)