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Look Into Her Eyes

“My friends baby shower cake. The eyes were cut out of a newspaper and still haunt me to this day.”

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Heeere’s Baby

“A friend received this cake for her baby shower.”

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The Hundred Acre Massacre

“My 6 year old son helped make his birthday cake this year and picked the decorations himself.”

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Cake Expectations: Frozen Edition

“The cake that was ordered and the cake that arrived.”

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Feliz Cumple

“My mom made me a birthday cake. It’s supposed to say ‘Feliz Cumple’ (happy birthday in Spanish) but she ran out of room. Bless her soul.”

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Happy Birthday, Daddy

“My girlfriend works as a cake decorator at a Baskin Robins. This is today’s order she has to make.”

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Happy Birthday Ana!

“Mom made me a birthday cake last year. She didn’t leave enough room to dot the exclamation point.”

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Sweet Dreams

“My friend tried to make a ‘sleepover’ cake for her niece. I don’t think her niece got a lot of sleep that night!”

(submitted by Jennifer) 

Hello Dolly

“My aunt tried to make a cake of Dolly Parton for a friend.”

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The Banana Hammocked Crusader

“My wife’s friend had a superhero-themed swim party for their four-year-old son. This is what the bakery came up with.”

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