Great Grandma’s Bucket List
“My 5-yr old was obsessed with Angry Birds. This is what he gave me when I asked him to go make Great Grandma a pretty picture, as she wasn’t expected to make it another day.”
(submitted by Brent)
Uncle Target
“My mom spaced out while wrapping gifts this year. Guess I know where she got this one.”
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Gift Discrepancy
“Sometimes life gives you a puppy and sometimes it gives you socks. Christmas 2016.”
(submitted by Suzy)
Beats By Dre
“My son will be so excited Christmas morning. I got him what he asked for!”
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Christmas Anguish
“I don’t remember what was in that box. But I hope it was pants.”
(submitted by Megan)
Poster Kids
“Typical gifts from an out-of-touch dad. And yes, the pot leaf poster was a gift to my 5 year old brother. I got the ‘Hang in there!’ kitty.”
(submitted by Gretchen)
Thanks, Dad
“My Dad loved our thoughtful card today. This was in his gift bag, along with BBQ Fritos, a Polish sausage, Pay Day and Snickers bars, a Klondike bar, and a DVD of the 2006 Denzel Washington movie ‘Deja Vu.'”
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Practical Christmas
“Christmas when I was 11. The disappointment on my face after getting the same shirt I’m already wearing.”
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