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Great Grandma’s Bucket List

“My 5-yr old was obsessed with Angry Birds. This is what he gave me when I asked him to go make Great Grandma a pretty picture, as she wasn’t expected to make it another day.”

(submitted by Brent)

Uncle Target

“My mom spaced out while wrapping gifts this year. Guess I know where she got this one.”

(via source)

Christmas Sucks

“The year my father got my mom a Hoover for Christmas. 1984.”

(via source)

Gift Discrepancy

“Sometimes life gives you a puppy and sometimes it gives you socks. Christmas 2016.”

(submitted by Suzy) 

Beats By Dre

“My son will be so excited Christmas morning. I got him what he asked for!”

(via source)

Christmas Anguish

“I don’t remember what was in that box. But I hope it was pants.”

(submitted by Megan)

Poster Kids

“Typical gifts from an out-of-touch dad. And yes, the pot leaf poster was a gift to my 5 year old brother. I got the ‘Hang in there!’ kitty.”

(submitted by Gretchen)

I Want Candy

“Mom somehow missed the text on the boxers she gave me.”

(via source)

Thanks, Dad

“My Dad loved our thoughtful card today. This was in his gift bag, along with BBQ Fritos, a Polish sausage, Pay Day and Snickers bars, a Klondike bar, and a DVD of the 2006 Denzel Washington movie ‘Deja Vu.'”

(via source)

Practical Christmas

“Christmas when I was 11. The disappointment on my face after getting the same shirt I’m already wearing.”

(via source)