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“I asked my daughter to not do any funny faces or her ‘rock hands,’ but she did it anyways. Her excuse was ‘I’m a Rockstar.'”

(submitted by Carol)

Cold-Blooded Christmas

“That’s me, my brother, my cousin, and aunt and uncle. Oh, and all the lizards.”

(submitted by Aaron)

Santa’s Package

“My Aunt couldn’t understand why everyone was laughing at her ceramic Santa.”

(via source)

Saint Nope

“My memories of meeting Santa are fond ones. I came across this pic, however, and was startled by the look on this particular Santa’s face. He looks a little less interested in what I want for Christmas, and a little more interested in how I’d taste in a stew.”

(submitted by Alan)

Chimney Alternative

“My mother was cleaning the attic.”

(via source

Dear Tooth Fairy

“Found this on my daughter’s pillow.”

(via source)

Protecting My Junk from Santa

“This is me as a child, visiting Santa.  Out of instinct, I had my left hand on my junk, protecting it from a mall Santa.”

(submitted by Dan)

Santa Flips Out

“This is a bought picture of my husband and his younger brother’s annual trip to visit Santa. Apparently, Santa was having a bad day and was a making it known in his pics! Funny thing is they didn’t notice Santa’s sign language until they were looking through old pics and came across it a few years ago!”

(submitted by Amy)

Also I Don’t Have Eyebrows

“My sister and I with very bad haircuts and a very creepy Santa. Also, I don’t have any eyebrows.”

(submitted by Lisa)