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Turdy The Turtle

“Ironically her toy turtle was named ‘Turdy,’ a few days later her destiny was fulfilled.”

(submitted by Christine)

Zip It

“My fly was down during my X-ray at the chiropractor.”

(via source)

Pep Squad

“My daughter demanded Peppa Pig get X-rayed with her.”

(via source)

Jewel Thief

“My wife couldn’t find her wedding ring yesterday. Our baby will be a diamond mule the next couple days.”

(via source)

Jingle Breath

“My son decided to have a cat bell for a snack. He took the bell right off the collar of the cat and swallowed it. We took him to the ER for surgery, but while we were waiting, all the nurses got a chuckle out of listening to him take deep breaths.”

(submitted by Diane)

Getting It Off His Chest

“My friend proposed to his girlfriend. She’s an X-ray tech at a chiropractor clinic. He set an appointment to go by and get an adjustment. Knowing she would be the one to do the X-ray, he got soldering wire, bent it into the letters he wanted and then taped it to his stomach along with the ring. Yes, his shirt was on for the X-ray, so she had no idea.”

(via source)