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My Inhairitance

“This was taken in 1990, Alberta Canada. Can you tell my mom used to do my dad’s hair?”

(submitted by IG @tatealexandra_)

Tree Huggers

“Supposed to be professional photos, but the guy just set up a log and his assistant held up a fake branch (whose hand is in the frame) between my sister Suzy and I (I’m on the right).”

(submitted by Beth)

Make A Splash

“Forgot it was picture day at school. My mom grounded me for wearing that shirt.”

(submitted by Joe)


“This is my sister inside of a toilet lookin’ good.”

(submitted by Blake)

Clutching Pearls

“The moment my mom realized I was going to be a handful.”

(submitted by IG @sheridanelli

First Day Of Schule

“My husband’s 1st day of school dressed in a cap that looks like a helmet, old school glasses and white socks & sandals while holding his school-issued ‘Schultuete’ which every kid in Germany gets on the first day of school. And yes, that is his blue briefcase.”

(submitted by IG @amling2013)

Flower Power

“Why my graduation photographer thought this was a good idea, I have no clue (for the record I’m wearing a tube top).”

(submitted by IG @switchinggenres)


“I was taking a picture of my husband and two daughters when it happened.”

(submitted by Miranda)

The It Factor

“Whatever ‘it’ is, I obviously had it at 7 years old in my 1980s dance photo.”

(submitted by IG @elyserants)


“This is a photo of my grandparents, aunt and uncle around 1970. Nana said it was about 100 degrees in the studio, but they weren’t about to reschedule.”

(submitted by Caitie)