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Back To Nature

“Just found this 1989 gem in the family album: My parents and I arriving at the cabin for the weekend!”

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The Headed Horseman

“My family dubbed me ‘fivehead.'”

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Not The Birthday Girl

“She really wanted a balloon from the next table.”

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What Are U Lookin’ At?

“My wife and my daughter, circa one year old. My daughter does not like having her picture taken. Especially when eating biscuits. She looks like a little rugby player.”

(submitted by Daniel)

The Sink Stopper

“This is my daughter when she was almost 2 years old. Somehow she had managed to climb into her play kitchen sink. She was then unable to climb back out. Of course we had to take a picture before helping her out! We still have no idea how she managed to get in there!”

(submitted by Sarah) 

A Man In Full

“Just another majestic photo of my Dad.”

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Thumb War

“My brother-in-law got a thumb from each parent.”

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Love Connection

“My nephew and I really hit it off.”

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Cat In The Hat

“My mom ordered a graduation cake with a cap drawn on. I guess they misheard.”

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Taste The Difference

“Found this note in my bathroom drawer after my dad tried to borrow toothpaste.”

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