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Banana Split

“My grandmother owns a store in the town I grew up in and every year she enters a float, representing the store, into the summer parade. Of course, this meant that I had to be on every one, usually in some ridiculous costume. I think that this was by far the most embarrassing year though. I’m the waving cherry on the far right and my cousin, on the far left, took the smarter approach and didn’t show his face for the entire parade.”

(submitted by Treg)

Legends Of The Fall

The leaves are dead.

(submitted by Jess)


The bird isn’t fooled.

(submitted by Amanda)

Come Together

A reminder for all of us to come together in harmony and peace this holiday season.

(submitted by Angel in Puerto Rico)

A Little Higher

“In my own defense, my son didn’t actually hit the tree branch, though I have no answer for why he isn’t wearing pants.”

(submitted by Anthony)

Mystery Of The Week Photo

Your guess is as good as ours.

(submitted by Kim)

Full Beards

Nothing says the holidays like a sweater full of facial hair.

(submitted by Dayton)

All Skate

If these two can find common ground, then anyone can.

(submitted by Anna-Marie)

Mug Shots

AFPP would like to bail these three out.

(submitted by Eric)

La Toalla

This luchador shows off his greatest strength.

(submitted by Liz)