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Freeze Frame

Question is… how did the baby make it to the top of the pile?

(submitted by Leah)

The Edge Of Glory

Always keep your eye on the baby.

(submitted by Ann)

It’s My Party

She had a great time… or so she was told.

(submitted by J Clay)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Andrew)

Soap In Your Eyes

“I am about eleven in this picture. I had just finished washing my mother’s car and was walking back to the house to go inside to pour out the water. On my way inside, I tripped and the soapy water sloshed up and into my face. For some reason, this was a catastrophe. I was also, for some reason, convinced that if I opened my eyes, the soap would get into them and blind me. I distinctly recall arguing with my father (who always had his camera at hand and saw this as a golden moment to capture) that I would, indeed, lose my eyesight, even though he kept saying I wouldn’t. At this point, I was crushed that nobody would believe me, nobody had the heart to comfort me, and nobody had the care to hand me a towel (I think I ended up using the sleeve of my sweater).

I’d like to say that’s just soapy water dripping off my chin, but with the amount of blubbering going on, it’s quite likely it’s a mixture of both soapy water and drool. And yes, if you’re wondering, this moment still comes up in conversations with my father. (My mother says there are too many similar ones for her to recall.)”

(submitted by Heather)

Pants Optional

“My brothers and I made this for our parents’ 25th anniversary present. I think we were more amused than they, but it still hangs in their house today.”

(submitted by Kevin)

Recreating The Awkwardness

“These pictures are of me and my family. The first picture which was taken in 1968 was so awesome that we tried to recreate it in 1979. If we could find another clock picture like the one hanging on the wall, I think we’d try to recreate this picture again.”

(submitted by Donna)

Daddy Daycare 2

He’s got it all under control.

(submitted by Statia)

The Protest

It was her Pièce de résistance.

(submitted by Cole)


“This is a photo I took of my son when he was about a year and a half. His father and I were walking through a local park with him when I saw this tree stump. I thought it would be cute to take a picture of him in it but unfortunately, he wasn’t so keen on the idea.”

(submitted by Stephanie)