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The Towel

“This is a recent photo of a family friend in the midst of her pregnancy. Nothing says tender loving mom-to-be more than a pin up bathing suit and sexy heels. The white towel is there just in case her water breaks.”

(submitted by Marie)

Insane Clown Posse

“This is my husband and his younger brother dressed as clowns.  Their Mother (my Mother-in-law) decided that for Mother’s Day one year that she would dress her 2 sons as clowns and have their portraits taken.  So, she proceeded to dress them up in homemade outfits and her own makeup.  On the way to Sears, the younger brother was crying hysterically and that is why he is not a “happy clown,” and his face is smeared.  I have this picture hanging in our hallway of our home just to remind myself that I am now a part of a dysfunctional but awesome family! Now we have two sons together ages 3 and 4… question is, should I carry on the tradition?”

(submitted by Whitney)


She would never wear that perfume again.

(submitted by Annabelle)

Last Supper

And you’ll be playing the role of Judas.

(submitted by Robert)

Jungle John

“Back in 95, a traveling zookeeper (Jungle John) came to my cousin’s birthday party and all the kids took pictures with him and his snake. Needless to say, I wasn’t into it. And I’m afraid of snakes and men in safari hats to this day.”

(submitted by Samm)

Behind The Awkwardness: Over The Edge

“Went on a trip to the Foz de Iguacu, which is Brazil’s version of Niagara Falls. There, as with most touristy places, you can take a photo in front of a green screen on which you are later super-imposed against the falls. This photo left by previous visitors caught my eye because it’s so incredibly awkward and un-politically correct (the thought of tossing a woman in a wheelchair over the falls), but I guess I kind of admire the couple for their very offbeat sense of humor.”

(submitted by Rhys)

Flower Child

“This is me at four years old. My parents took my two sisters and I to a place to get our pictures taken and these were the props chosen. My two younger sisters each have a version of this picture as well. Why, I don’t know… and don’t forget about the pot I’m sitting in.”

(submitted by Hannah)

Who Wants The First Piece?

This is why you don’t invite ex-girlfriends.

(submitted by Frank)

Snakes On A Family 3

Safety first.

(submitted by Michelle)

Camera Hog

He was determined not to be overshadowed by the wedding.

(submitted by Deanna)