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The Horse Whisperer

Horseback riding is so last season.

(submitted by S.F.)

Stuck In The Middle

Another exclusive from the new Awkward Family Photos book…

Behind The Awkwardness: Kids

“This is me and my three brothers forced into khakis and yellow pastel shirts and dragged to a portrait studio that featured live goats and bunnies and hay. It should be noted that we were the only people getting our picture taken above the age of three. Also, shortly after this picture was taken one of the goats peed on my brother to the far right.”

(submitted by Sarah)

Monkey Business

You can never have too many monkeys.

(submitted by H)

AFP Grandparents: Sneak Peek

The Awkward Family Photos book is coming tomorrow! Join the AFP Grandparents for a sneak peek…

Watch Below:

Reach Out And Touch

“This one perfectly sums up my siblings complete inability to give genuine hugs to each other. This was taken at my high school graduation in ’05. That is not my molester uncle… it is actually my brother Sean, mid-embrace. And that little cupcake is my little sister Rain. Why am I cupping her ear like that? We may never know.”

(submitted by Sierra)


This tree is definitely giving more than it’s receiving.

(submitted by Jeff)


Kissy Face

Not who you typically find under the mistletoe.

(submitted by Donna)

Armed and Endangered

“My aunt and uncle in the mid 80’s.”

(submitted by Dominic)

Face Plant

The real question is… who is that guy and what’s on the CD?

(submitted by Patrick)